I was interested in Social Media Management (SMM) when I started virtual assistant (VA) work in 2016. But, I had no clue how to even get started. It was big, and in some ways social media was downright intimidating.
So, I took the best bit of advice I could find for getting started as an SMM and I ran with it:
I decided on ONE platform to work with.
I zoned in and absorbed every drip and drop of knowledge I could about my favorite “social media network”.

At the time I was completely off of Facebook. For the past 2 or 3 years in fact. I spent all of my time online hanging out on Pinterest and YouTube (okay, my tot was the one always on YouTube.)
So I searched good ol’ trusty Pinterest for how to become a social media manager, and there I found a few posts about Pinterest virtual assisting. 🙌
That very well could have been the first time I had heard the term virtual assistant.

What did I discover about Pinterest virtual assisting?

📌 I found out that Pinterest VAs help businesses market their business and that they are in great demand.
📌 I found out that bloggers, big corporations, AND small businesses are using Pinterest for organic growth and paid advertising to reach a whopping 200 million monthly users.
📌 I learned that people use Pinterest to make purchases.
📌 I learned that Pinterest Marketing is a smart move that is growing at amazing rates.

I want you to get in on this Pinterest thing.
🔥 🔥
Get your foot in the door of social media management of your favorite app: Pinterest.

Get clients. Get strategy skillz. Get access to members only FB group. Build a website. Make your money back from your first client.

I initially found Pinterest many years ago, but got sucked in when I started breastfeeding. No, no, that’s not accurate. I got sucked in when I was first pregnant. And then REALLY sucked in with my second pregnancy because there was Pinterest for tablets then. Sooo many diys for newborns and baby showers makes you kinda go ga-ga.

Pinterest was there for me for the little searches. It was there for the big searches, too, like where are the best places to find a work at home job? So many amazing resources to find legitimate employers and business ideas. Pinterest helped me realize that starting a business wasn’t the worst thing that could happen, but actually could be the best thing for me and my whole family.

We dream of having a few acres homestead where we homeschool our kids and run an multi-faceted empire. This is a huge why. Working on our own terms is what will enable my hubby and me to empower the world. I dream of investing in a space agency. I dream of my sons being astronauts. I know why I want to work for myself. If you have a big why or a couple of littles, you’ll be interested to know how to create a business on Pinterest that you control entirely.

I want to help you, mama, make money. I want to help you turn your passion into a profit and that’s why I’m here blogging my little heart out! There is so much I have to give!

I also released a badass 6-weeks to Pinterest Strategist Bootcamp to help you learn all the skills needed to succeed as a Pinterest manager and you can snag this self-paced course anytime of the year!

Sign Up For The Pinterest Strategist Bootcamp



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I like to say I turned my Pinterest obsession into my profession! 
I’ve been working with the platform since 2017. In 2020 I quit my day job, niched down to serve coaches and now I’m obsessed with leveraging Pinterest for generating Passive Income, so I’m sharing everything I know about getting started and GROWING a successful evergreen digital product suite that generates LIFELONG FANS!!

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