Pinterest Definitions

Looking for more information on what all these terms on Pinterest mean? I introduce to you the Pinterest Dictionary!

All you need to do is click the one of the words below in pink to get the definition, or keep scrolling for ALL the definitions.


A visual representation of your profile’s activity on Pinterest. This includes Impressions, Link Clicks, Saves and more from your entire profile and verified domain.


This is who you are trying to reach (and who you actually are reaching).


The write-up about your and your business on the front of your Pinterest profile.


This is where you save pins to. Boards should be specific to one topic and a category should be chosen for each. 


See also Outbound Clicks


See also Pin Clicks


Generally refers to a Pin description, but also applies to a Board description. Descriptions are the most important element of your Pinterest strategy if you intend on having your pins found again. Descriptions should include short-tail and long-tail keywords

Group Board

Another place you can save pins to that is shared with other pinners on Pinterest who can also add their own pins. To join a group board, read the group’s description for rules and directions. Some boards have an option to request to join with a simple button.


This number found in your analytics indicates how many times your content, your pins and other people’s pins, has been seen in searches&other Pinterest feeds.

Lead Magnet

Aka opt-in, or freebie. This is an offer that usually starts off your sales funnel. You offer a free instant gratification in exchange for an email address and then you have a new subscriber to your email marketing list.

Manual Pinning

This is the process of getting on either the Pinterest website or Pinterest application and saving a pin to a board “manually”.

Monthly Views

Similar to impressions, monthly views are the total amount of impressions your profile has made across all of your pins and boards in the last 30 days.


See Lead Magnet.

Outbound Clicks

How many clicks to your website were directly from a Pin that was pinned on Pinterest. 


The usually vertical image that shows up on your home feed or searches. Normally a 2:3 ratio, but also square images.

Pin Clicks

When your pin is clicked for a closer look, but not necessarily clicked again to link to your page.


See Saves.



When you save a pin to a board or someone saves one of your pins to their board, it’s called a repin.

Save Button

The save button can be added to your website images that you want to encourage others to pin.


An easy way to make sure your profile is active. You can use the Built-in scheduler for up to 1 week or other approved schedulers like Tailwind or Buffer.


Search Engine Optimization, equally important on Pinterest and is often referred to as “Pinterest Optimization”. This is the work put into your descriptions of your pins and boards as well as the alt text&description used on your image on your actual website.


Arguably the best scheduler for Pinterest. 

Tailwind Communities

Similar to a Group Board, Tribes are for sharing your pins with others to get more exposure on your newest content. Tribes are also awesome for building a network and finding fresh content for your schedule.


The amount of visitors to your website in a given timeframe.


The process of adding a new pin that may or may not already exist on your website. You can manually upload a pin you designed to Pinterest or Tailwind, and point back to your desired URL.

Viral Pin

pin that has received an extreme amount of impressionsrepins, and clicks.


The widget builder allows you to easily share your Pinterest profile or boards on your website in a beautiful way!



I like to say I turned my Pinterest obsession into my profession! 
I’ve been working with the platform since 2017. In 2020 I quit my day job, niched down to serve coaches and now I’m obsessed with leveraging Pinterest for generating Passive Income, so I’m sharing everything I know about getting started and GROWING a successful evergreen digital product suite that generates LIFELONG FANS!!

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